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Katmandu to Istanbul (short)

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Our lunch spot view of Baktapur Square, Baktapur Nepal
Morgan walking down a side street in Baktapur
Temple in Baktapur
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Chillies drying in the street
Eagle, monkey temple Nepal
Monkey Temple Kathmandu Nepal
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Monkey Temple Nepal
Giant Buddah Kathmandu
Giant Buddah flags
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Pashupatinath, where all the cities cremations take place.
Thamel Kathmandu
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Geko in my bathroom Chitwan Nepal
King Fisher Chitwan Nepal
Elephant washing Chitwan Nepal
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Aligator Chitwan Nepal
Anapurnas Pokhara Nepla
fishtail mountain Pokhara Nepal
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Crossing the landslide Nepal
Butterfly Last Resort Nepal
Zangmou the city with one street
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Climbing into the mountains of Tibet
Alpine meadow Tibet
The High point of the day
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Tibetan landscape
The view from the road
Mount Everest National Park
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Hide and seek is the mountains favorite game
Buddah wall paintings TaShiLhunPo Monastary Tibet
Old fort GianTse

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